
Foot Pain is to Blame

What if you could go to bed knowing that the activities you participated in today wouldn’t result in aches and pains to deal with tomorrow? For every 1 in 3 people, there’s someone with an undiagnosed foot or ankle conditions that cause pain and discomfort. Podiatrists like Dr. Lily Khavari find this unsettling and want to do everything in their power to help people feel more comfortable and at ease enjoying their everyday activities. Did you know that unaddressed foot and ankle pain can lead to weight gain and a higher risk of falling? This only leads to a snowball effect of more and more issues to come, like weak ankles or fallen arches, unless it’s addressed and treated by a foot doctor.


A recent study found that 20% of their patients had fallen one or more times within the last 12 months. Those who fell more than once within the last twelve months were much more likely to report experiencing daily aches and pains they thought were simply something they should ‘deal’ with. This is where podiatry teams come in with their favorite mantra: foot pain is not normal! If you’re experiencing foot and ankle pain regularly, and it hasn’t been addressed by a foot doctor, you’re very likely at a higher risk of both gaining excess weight and injuring yourself as a result.


Foot pain understandably makes us less likely to participate in physical activity because of how uncomfortable it is! Similarly, painful feet are much more sensitive and can lead to weakness in the lower extremities when pain is inflicted (such as walking on uneven surfaces), which in turn can lead to falling and hurting yourself further. Don’t let yourself become a part of the statistic! Have your foot and ankle pain addressed at Carrollton Foot Center by calling (469) 998-3668 to set up your consultation.

6 Warning Signs for Baby’s Feet

There is so much involved when planning for your first child that it can be overwhelming to cover everything before the baby comes! With so much planning to do and so little time, we thought it would be helpful to go over our favorite tip when going over what to look out for as your new addition grows at home. Your baby’s health overall is important, but taking a close look at their whole body is something that can be glossed over – especially when it comes to their feet, ankles, and toes. The best habit you can develop isn’t just to snuggle up as often as you can while they’re still tiny but to keep a close eye on how they change physically over time.

Here some important signs to look for when it comes to baby’s feet, ankles, and toes:

  • Discoloration in the toenails or skin on the feet
  • No response to the physical touch of the feet
  • Baby avoiding anything touching their feet at all
  • Swelling or decreased mobility of their feet and ankles
  • Scrunched or cramped looking toes
  • Slow toenail growth or no growth at all

Peeping in on your baby’s toes daily can help avoid letting one of these 6 warning signs silently developing or worsening. It’s so much fun to play and bond with your baby, you can even incorporate these feet, ankle, and toe check-ups during diaper changes, bathing, or snuggle time. This can mean the difference between your baby later on developing issues like bunions, hammertoes, flat feet, or plantar fasciitis, and having healthy, happy feet and ankles. If and when anything catches your eye, be sure to reach out to Dr. Lily Khavari at Carrollton Foot Center. It’s never too early to start a relationship between your child and a trusted, kid-friendly podiatrist! Call us today at (469) 998-3668 to schedule your consult.

Consider This When Considering Orthotics

If you’re not sure it’s time to switch over to orthotics, this blog is for you! In every podiatry practice, you’re bound to overhear a conversation about orthotics, but not all orthotics are created equally. With so many different options and offices to choose from, how do you know what’s right for you? At Carrollton Foot Center, we make it easy. Orthotics are an investment for your health today, tomorrow, and beyond – it’s no small decision to make! Dr. Lily Khavari is here to help clear up any confusion surrounding orthotics.


It’s a common misconception that orthotics are something that only older people need. To the surprise of many, orthotics are much more widely used across all different ages than you might think. Many young athletes utilize the support and stabilization of their trusty orthotics to keep the structures of their feet and ankles in the right places at all times.


Even if you’re not an athlete, or if you’re not young, orthotics can still be right for you. For those of us with family members who have foot problems, orthotics aren’t a bad idea to start with. At the earliest signs of any irregular foot pain or discomfort, introducing orthotics can help soothe, slow down, and potentially even stop the development of certain foot and ankle problems.


For those of us who wish we had started orthotics years ago, we’re probably already plagued with daily foot and ankle pain and discomfort. In these instances, it’s never too late to start. Let’s say you have a history of sprained ankles or you’ve broken parts of your feet or toes in the past. Over time, multiple sprained ankles weaken the tendons and can lead to a higher risk of repeated injury. Even if a broken bone is fixed, the likelihood of it developing arthritis later on in life is much greater due to breaking. Regardless of if your symptoms have yet to develop or have already developed, orthotics can help take the edge off and give your feet less work. Call us at (469) 998-3668 to schedule an appointment at our location in Carrollton, Texas today!

Diabetes Awareness Month

The month of November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and our team at the Carrollton Foot Center wants to kick it off right by talking about the top 3 myths of diabetes. As a prevalent disease, with two known types of diabetes that affect an accumulative 30 million people in the United States alone, diabetes is subject to speculation and rumors. Among all the different ideas that can spread due to misinformation and a lack of education, we’ve picked out the top 3 myths about diabetes that can make diagnosis especially difficult to process:

Diabetes Myth #1:

They put you on a boring diet once you’ve been diagnosed and you won’t enjoy food again. This is most definitely false! When you’re on a diabetic diet, you’re simply following similar (if not the same) guidelines from the FDA on how to nourish your body daily. We advise straying from foods marketed as diabetic dietary foods. These foods are often no different or better for you than other foods.

Diabetes Myth #2:

A high-protein diet is better for diabetic people than other diets. There are two falsehoods in this statement alone! A high-protein diet is not better for diabetic people, nor is any fad diet good for anyone to follow. The only diet you need is the one that is right for you and your body. High-protein diets have been linked to insulin resistance in diabetic patients, so stick to your balanced regimen!

Diabetes Myth #3:

Sugar and carbs are completely gone from your life once you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes. Again, absolutely false! Sugar and carbohydrate intake simply needs to be limited and planned for in advance. Whole-grain starches are best since they are higher in fiber and digest slowly, and sugar can typically still be enjoyed in small amounts.

When it comes to being diagnosed with diabetes, looking closely at what you eat can help you avoid podiatric issues that diabetic patients are at a higher risk of developing, especially when uncontrolled. These can include non-healing ulcers and nerve damage. Call us today at (469) 998-3667 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Lily Khavari in Carrollton, Texas.

Is Your Foot Pain Normal?

Imagine that one day you’re just getting home from work and you’re ready to take on the usual route around the block with your dog. You’re looking forward to a relaxing stroll and your four legged pal can’t wait either! However, half way through your evening walk you notice a weird sensation in one or both of your feet. Is it burning? Tingling? Tiny, sharp pricks? Maybe you slept on it wrong, or maybe it’s something abnormal. What if it doesn’t go away, or it seems to resolve and comes back again at a later date?

There are so many moving parts within our feet and ankles – bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and more. It can be difficult to know whether or not something is worth calling your podiatrist, Dr. Lily Khavari of Carrollton Foot Center in Carrollton, Texas, and scheduling an evaluation to see what’s up. We have one easy way to remember whether or not it’s worth calling Dr. Khavari about a new and bothersome foot or ankle problem: foot and ankle aches and pains are never normal.

Here are a few other ways you can work through your decision to get a new problem checked out ASAP:

  • Does this weird sensation happen while performing a certain task?
  • Has it been a problem even when you’re not performing that task?
  • When you feel this sensation, does it stop you in your tracks or make the task at hand more difficult to complete without resting or easing up?
  • Have you noticed that certain shoes you used to find comfortable now seem to aggravate the issue?

Using these four tips, you should be pretty certain whether or not this new issue is something to call Dr. Khavari about at (469) 998-3668. Remember: no foot or ankle pain is normal! Schedule your next appointment today.

Strategies for Stinky Shoes

Are stinky shoes a problem in your household? It’s a lot harder for us to notice our bodily scents than it is for others to notice. While you may just be realizing it today, the person that sat next to you on the bus last week might have been well aware. What even causes our shoes to reek? Carrollton Foot Center has one word: moisture. This could be from sweat, walking in the rain, anything that might get your shoes wet. When they’re not properly aerated after exposure to moisture, this leaves the moisture (sweat, water, etc.) to sit and grow the bacteria necessary to cause odors. This bacteria can even contribute to infections when exposed to broken skin or lead to developing the fungi responsible for athlete’s foot. If you’re lucky enough to catch it early, there are quick and easy ways to reduce the stink your shoes might be causing.

Step One:

Unlace your shoes and take the insoles out. Put these into the wash with other clothing items on a gentle, low cycle – often labeled as a ‘delicate’ cycle. If possible, use regular, unscented detergent and air dry them after they’re done washing. While it’s no doubt that our insoles can hold a lot of stink, you would be surprised at the capability of shoelaces to hold odor!

Step Two:

Tap the soles of your shoes together outside to loosen up debris. Get a basin of lukewarm water and add some dye-free, unscented detergent to it. Mix it thoroughly. Get a soft-bristled scrubbing brush and dip its bristles into the water. Using the scrubbing brush, gently scrub away any remaining debris.

Step Three:

Using the same cleaning solution in step two, dampen a cloth into the mixture. After wringing out your cloth, use it to dab and rub away stains and smudges. This can take some elbow grease! Once all the spots are gone, wring out the cloth and soak up excess moisture. Leave them to dry in a ventilated area overnight.

And voila! Your shoes will be rid of a considerable amount of dirt, debris, and bacteria that can cause odors to form. Your feet will thank you immediately! For other tips and foot issues, reach out to Dr. Lilly Khavari and schedule your appointment at our location in Carrollton, Texas which serves Denton, Dallas and Collin Counties. Call us today at 469-998-3668.

How Are Feet Connected to the Heart?

There is never a dull moment in the world of medicine! With how expansive the realm of illnesses, diseases, and conditions can be, it makes sense when you think about how symptoms can overlap between different areas of medicine.

The connections between the world of cardiology and podiatry can be surprising to most people. Depending on what foot issues your podiatrist is addressing, this may also clue you in to what could be beneficial to bring up with a cardiologist. In a recent interview, a podiatrist working in a hospital with a neighboring cardiology department noted that over 80% of their patients also saw a cardiologist. This podiatrist, however, specialized in the types of issues that most commonly overlap with cardiology: non-healing wounds, patients at high risk of amputation, circulatory disorders, and diabetic patients.

Not every podiatry patient will need to see a cardiologist, but there are a few tell-tale signs that you may benefit from a trip to the cardiologist in addition to seeing your podiatrist:

  • Are your feet regularly puffy or swollen, even slightly?
  • Have you ever had a foot or ankle injury that took an excessive amount of time to heal?
  • Do you ever struggle with healing from ulcers or even just blisters on your feet?
  • Are you at risk of developing diabetes, or already have diabetes?
  • Have you developed any other conditions with a high instance of comorbidity, like congestive heart failure, hypertension, nerve disease, or artery disease?

It can be difficult to navigate when and where it’s appropriate to bring up issues you’re unsure are worth mentioning. As it turns out, Dr. Lilly Khavari at Carrollton Foot Center encourages her patients to bring up any and every change they’ve noticed when it comes to foot and ankle health. Call us today at 469-998-3668 or visit our location in Carrollton, Texas serving Denton, Dallas, and Collin County.

Ready, Set, HIKE!

Are you hoping to get out and about on the trails for a hike this summer season? If you haven’t already, start planning! Texas is fast approaching the time of year when hiking is best done very early in the morning or not at all due to the heat. There are several benefits to hiking when it comes to our health and wellbeing, however just like anything else, there are risks, too.

Hiking Risks & Benefits

Hiking can be an easy way to get yourself hurt. As an activity, hiking relies primarily on your feet and ankles to get you around the trails you’re exploring. Most instances of hiking related injuries happen to involve the person’s feet or ankles due to walking on rough, slippery, soft, or uneven terrain. When you’re out hiking, you are much more exposed to potentially harmful parts of nature: jagged sticks and rocks that can lead to cuts and scrapes, as well as poison ivy or insects that can cause intense itching, scratching, and potentially lead to infection.

If you ask us, the benefits outweigh the risks – especially when you take the time to prepare for these situations before going on a hike! There are plenty of ways we can prepare ahead of time to help make our next hiking trip even more safe and exciting:

  • Research your trails ahead of time. What terrains will you be walking on?
  • What’s the weather going to be like? Is it better to go early before it gets hot?
  • Have you purchased a first aid kit yet?
  • Will you have enough water, or access to refill your water containers?
  • Do you have a plan in case of emergency, like falling and hurting your ankle?
  • Are your shoes appropriate for your hike?

Sandals can be more comfortable and allow better airflow, but this leaves them vulnerable to insect bites, cuts and scrapes, and sunburn. We hope these questions you can ask yourself before a hike will help you be better prepared for your next adventure! Remember, any foot or ankle aches or pains that last longer than a day or two after your hike shouldn’t go ignored. Call us today at (469) 998-FOOT (3668) to set up an appointment with Dr. Lily Khavari at Carrollton Foot Center in Carrollton, Texas.  We proudly serve Denton, Dallas and Collin Counties.


Getting the Lowdown on High Heels

Don’t worry – we’re not here to dissuade you from wearing high heels. We know how much you love them! How could you not? With such a rich and complex history, high heels are by far one of the most versatile and aesthetically pleasing types of footwear known to man (and woman). However these shoes are famous for causing pain and discomfort to the feet and ankles of their wearers. While many believe that beauty is painful, our team at Carrollton Foot Center says it doesn’t have to be that way. Here’s our handy list of tips and tricks to make high heels more enjoyable to wear and safe for your feet and ankles.

Keep it short and sweet

This refers to both the amount of time you spend wearing high heels as well as the height your high heels might reach! Ideally, 2-3 inches are the most any person should wear if high heels are worn with regularity. The higher the heel the higher the impact on your feet and ankles, and therefore should be worn for lesser amounts of time.

Wear with caution and consideration

High heels were never meant to be worn for long periods of time. It’s also important to remember that you need to have frequent breaks while walking in heels. Avoid uneven surfaces and always make sure you have a backup pair of comfortable shoes ready for longer strolls!

Before and after is as important as in-between

Before you wear high heels, be sure your feet are ready. Protect trouble spots with insertable guards to cushion your feet and skin from irritation. Afterward treat yourself to a hot foot soak in Epsom salts, a foot massage, and wearing compression socks to bed – in that order!

Don’t let the reality of high heels get you low. There are ways to enjoy what you love when you prepare ahead of time and take care of yourself afterward! It wouldn’t hurt to make shockwave therapy treatments a regular occurrence to keep high heel pain and discomfort at bay. Ask Dr. Lilly Khavari at your next appointment in Carrollton, Texas for more information: (469) 998-3668.

Flat Feet Can Stop Your Stride

Flat feet seem like no big deal at first, but Dr. Lilly Khavari at Carrollton Foot Center urges you to reconsider. Think about it – our feet are an essential part of our ability to be mobile on two legs. Imagine you’re riding a bike and over time your once circular bicycle wheels become slightly less circular and more oblong. In order to ride smoothly, you end up having to overcompensate to ride like you did when the wheels were round. This is similar to what our bodies do when our arches have fallen or become flat! The other structures in and around our feet and ankles will overcompensate, become fatigued, and develop other issues.

Foot Problems Associated with Flat Feet:

  • Plantar fasciitis – flat feet, or fallen arches, can lead to developing plantar fasciitis. This condition affects the plantar fascia, a band of muscles found on the bottom of our feet. It extends the length of our feet and, when damaged, can become inflamed and painful.
  • Calluses – while less serious than plantar fasciitis, calluses can still negatively impact your everyday life as a side effect of flat feet. Due to the lack of support from the arch, the skin of your foot takes more impact than nature intended, requiring it to ‘toughen up’ and form calluses to handle the workload.
  • Heel spurs – sometimes also called a bone spur, heel spurs can happen for various reasons. One of the most common reasons, however, is as a result of fallen arches. Heel spurs can go hand in hand with plantar fasciitis and accentuate the inflammation and discomfort brought on by both.

Not only will flat feet, or fallen arches, change the shape of your feet, but it will also change the course of the health of your feet and ankles. Contact us today at (469) 998-3668 to schedule an appointment at our location in Carrollton, Texas which serves Denton, Dallas and Collin Counties.

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