
What is a hammertoe and solutions to relieve the pain

Hammertoes are a biomechanical condition caused by imbalance of the muscles, tendons, and/or ligaments which hold the toe in a straight position. Foot structure, types of shoegear, genetics, trauma, and certain disease processes such as arthritis and diabetes can lead to this deformity.  Women are much more likely to develop the deformity in comparison to men. Hammertoes

are mostly seen in the second, third, and fourth toes of the foot. In basic terms, it is a condition of curling of the toe and its downward rotation which results in a claw/hammer type look. The deformity is mostly seen in the middle joint of the toes.  In early stages, hammertoes are flexible and can be corrected and remain pain free with conservative solutions and without surgical assistance, however, if left untreated they can become quite painful to live with and can also be quite unsightly.

Over time the hammertoes become more pronounced due to prolonged pressures of narrow shoes and high heels. The hammertoe can also be caused by bunion development along the outside of the big toe. As more pain develops, hammertoes are unable to correct themselves out and in severe conditions can start crossing over the adjacent digits.  The pain from malpositioned toes is usually felt in the first joint of the affected toes – the proximal interphalangeal joint – the pointed joint continues to throb with prolonged use of shoes with narrow toe boxes, thus limiting activity level due to intense pain and discomfort.

Fortunately, there are solutions to prevent this from happening, so follow our three easy steps to keep your feet healthy and pain-free.


Change Up Your Footwear

You would be surprised by how much the simple change of shoes can help prevent the condition from progressing. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, a toe box that is too narrow or too short in shoes will cause the toes to compress and curl under to make room for the rest of the foot. A pair of shoes with deep toe boxes of a minimum of a half-inch of space between the longest toe and at the end of the should be worn.  Medical grade or custom inserts for daily use are also highly recommended as they correct the biomechanical imbalances of the foot and balance all tendons to prevent progression and worsening of the hammertoes.

Exercises and Stretching

Keeping the toe joints flexible is one of the most common recommendations passed on from your podiatrist. Stretching and strengthening the toes can be done with simple activities at home, such as picking up marbles with the affected toes, using a towel to gently stretch the curved joints and rolling the toes on a golf ball or a water bottle.

Reducing Inflammation

The hammertoe is constantly under stress, so reducing inflammation is standard for patients dealing with discomfort. You may feel immediate relief from non-prescription pain relievers such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Alongside the medication, icing the affected toes 10 minutes at a time can effectively reduce inflammation and relieve pain quickly.

Dealing with hammertoes and foot pain varies among patients and some may need advanced physical therapy or surgical treatment. If you are struggling to manage hammertoe pain, then these conservative methods may be effective. If hammertoe pain continues to limit your everyday activities then make an appointment for surgical correction at our office, Carrollton Foot Center.

Curious about your child’s feet?

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am passionate about pediatric foot care because I am a true believer that if simple foot and biomechanical issues are addressed early on in life, then the chances of having major foot issues as an adult are MUCH lower.  I recently had a baby, and there is nothing sweeter than those chubby baby feet but keeping them healthy is also of utmost importance.  With all the different shoe types out there and the many different activities that our kids get into these days, it is hard to truly know what is best and when to really notice a problem with their ever-growing feet. With that said, it is important to know that a kid’s arch does not really form until about age 3 and the foot appears flat due to a thick layer of baby fat that fills the arch area, if the foot is flexible and free of pain, there is no reason for concern.

It is not uncommon for parents to be concerned about their child’s “flat feet”.  Children possess an apparent flat foot during the first year of life. Some will outgrow this, but some will not.  When a child’s arch is flat, coupled with inward bowing of the ankles and Achilles tendon, they may have a true flexible flatfoot.  The most important thing to note is that it is never normal for child to com

plain of foot pain and their complaints should not be taken lightly, “growing pains” are not normal!



  1. Can’t keep up with peers
  2. Withdraws from activities thy usually enjoy
  3. Trips often and falls
  4. Does not want to show his/her feet

Toe walking is normal for the first 2-3 months of walking, if this continues, they should be examined for tight heel cords.

What can be done???

There are many things that can be done to manage a developmental flat foot.  Your podiatrist can help diagnose, condition and recommend proper treatment.  Intervention may include balance and coordination exercises, in addition to littleSTEPS foot orthotics for kids.

What are littleSTEPS?

They are prefabricated foot orthotics, an affordable alternative to expensive custom foot orthoses while delivering a prescription-based correction.  They improve pain, posture, strength, coordination, balance, and flat feet.

For more information and to have your children’s feet evaluated, please contact our office at 469-998-3668 for a consultation with Dr. Khavari!

Are you ready for sandal season?

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Are you embarrassed of discolored or damaged nails? With Sandal season coming up, many are excited to show off their feet and pedicured toes, however, some people are suffering from various toenail conditions causing toenail discoloration and breakage. These conditions could include toenail deformities, fungal nails, ingrown toenails, fallen nails due to trauma and sometimes nail changes due to other organ/systemic diseases. It is important to get your nail deformity examined by a podiatrist to evaluate the condition and rule out any suspected melanoma. Should the condition not be concerning for a melanoma, then your podiatrist is able to apply a product called KeryFlex to your discolored or deformed toenail.

KeryFlex is a safe, non-systemic in-office application that restores the appearance of a patient’s natural nail(s). It allows for the remodeling of a patient’s nail(s) affected by fungus, trauma, or other nail dystrophies. This medical-grade resin creates a flexible, non-porous artificial nail which allows the remaining natural nail to grow. A KeryFlex nail provides an immediate cosmetic solution during any anti-fungal treatment regimen. It also provides an immediate cosmetic improvement to compliment laser nail procedures. A KeryFlex nail is durable and unaffected by acetone, nail polishes or detergents. If you’ve taken the step to treat your nails, and you’re concerned about their appearance, you don’t have to hide your feet. The KeryFlex™ nail restoration procedure produces a realistic nail substitute that allows you to show off your toes while your natural nail tissue grows underneath.


When you come in for a treatment, Dr. Lilly Khavari will first debride the affected tissues. Then the resin is carefully brushed onto the nail bed and the layers are then built up. From there our expert doctor and medical assistant can sculpt the resin until it
matches the curve and shape of your natural nail. Once you and they are satisfied with the result, the gel is sealed and allowed to dry. Then a final layer of a bonding substance is applied, and everything is hardened under an ultraviolet light. Once the resin has set, the nail is buffed for smoothness and you are sent on your way with beautiful toes.

The whole process takes about 10-15 minutes per toe, and the nail lasts between six to eight weeks before needing a reapplication. During that time, your new nail is still growing underneath the artificial one– healthy and protected from damage. There are no side effects from the procedure and each KeryFlex treatment uses a new kit, so you are never exposed to someone else’s infection.

You don’t have to wait months for your natural nails to heal to feel comfortable removing your socks and showing off your toes again. This special resin allows your toes to look their best while they recover. If you don’t want to be embarrassed by your feet any longer, contact Carrollton Foot Center for an appointment or more information. Call us at (469) 998-FOOT (3668) to make your appointment. We look forward to seeing you.

Keryflex, discolored toe nails, fungal toe nail, nail restoration, ingrown toe nail, fallen toe nail


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