

Why Kids and Adults Need Orthotics

Custom orthotics are a common treatment for various foot and ankle conditions, but the needs and considerations for pediatric patients differ significantly from those of adults. Today, we at Carrollton Foot Center will explore the key distinctions between pediatric and adult orthotics and highlight how podiatrists tailor their approach to ensure optimal foot health for patients of all ages.

Why Orthotics?

We covered this in a previous blog, but today, we’ll go more in-depth as to how each age group depends on orthotics differently.

In Children:

  • Guiding Growth and Development: Orthotics can help guide proper foot and ankle development in children and address issues like flat feet, in-toeing, and out-toeing. Early intervention can prevent long-term complications and promote healthy biomechanics.
  • Addressing Congenital Conditions: Orthotics can be used to manage congenital foot deformities, such as clubfoot, which helps to correct alignment and improve function.
  • Supporting Neuromuscular Conditions: Children with neuromuscular conditions like cerebral palsy may benefit from orthotics to improve stability, reduce spasticity, and enhance mobility.
  • Managing Pediatric Foot Pain: Orthotics can address various sources of foot pain in children, such as Sever’s disease or juvenile bunions.

In Adults:

  • Correcting Biomechanical Issues: Orthotics can fix problems like flat feet, high arches, overpronation, or underpronation. These can all cause pain, affect your gait, and ruin your ability to exercise.
  • Managing Foot Conditions: Orthotics can help alleviate pain and improve function in conditions like plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, bunions, and metatarsalgia.
  • Offloading Pressure: Orthotics redistribute pressure and reduce stress on specific areas of the foot, which is crucial for people with diabetes or those prone to ulcers.
  • Improving Sports Performance: This applies to both groups, but orthotics can enhance athletic performance by optimizing biomechanics and reducing stress on the feet and lower limbs!

Pediatric and Adult Orthotics: Key Differences

In terms of function, pediatric orthotics often aim to guide proper foot development and prevent future problems, whereas adult orthotics may focus more on correcting existing issues and alleviating pain.

One of the key differences between pediatric and adult orthotics is the need to accommodate growth and development. Children’s feet are constantly growing and changing, so their orthotics must be designed to adapt to these changes. In contrast, adult feet generally require a more stable fit to provide greater support and correction.

Orthotic Progress Monitoring

Furthermore, children may adapt to orthotics more quickly due to their greater flexibility and adaptability, while adults may require a longer adjustment period.

Consequently, pediatric orthotics typically need to be re-evaluated more frequently than adult orthotics, usually every 6-12 months, or more often if the child experiences a growth spurt. Adult orthotics, on the other hand, may only need re-evaluation every 1-2 years unless there are changes in the patient’s condition or footwear.

Consult with Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari, a knowledgeable professional who is dedicated to her patients in Denton, Dallas, and Collins Counties. Dr. Khavari treats a wide range of conditions, from ingrown toenails to foot and ankle injuries. Call Carrollton Foot Center’s office (located in Carrollton, Texas) at (469)-998-3668 to schedule your first appointment today!

Scooters, Skateboards, and Sidewalk Sports: A Foot Health Balancing Act

Skateboarding, scootering, and other blacktop board sports feel like a staple of American upbringing. From Heely’s (remember those shoes with built-in wheels?) to Ripsticks, there has been a range of driveway toys and activities that have caused an equal amount of pleasure and pain.

Falling off a board on your neighborhood street seems like fun, but understanding the potential dangers and taking preventive measures can help you enjoy these activities without compromising your foot health. We at Carrollton Foot Center are here to fill you in.

Common Foot and Ankle Injuries

  • Ankle sprains: The repetitive twisting and turning in board sports can strain the ankle ligaments, and tricks on skateboards inevitably lead to awkward falls.
  • Fractures: Falls and impacts can result in fractures of the foot, ankle, or leg bones. Longboards down steep hills can reach speeds of 80 miles per hour, which spells obvious trouble for catastrophic foot injuries.
  • Scooter Fractures: These can occur from scooter whiplash. They swivel quite loosely, and if they hit you hard enough, it can fracture your ankle.
  • Abrasions and cuts: Skin injuries are common due to falls and contact with the board or ground.
  • Tendonitis: Inflammation of the tendons in the foot or ankle can occur due to overuse. Boarding on hard pavement leads to hard landings, and the force generated to perform tricks lends itself to inflammation.

Foot Care Advice

Protective gear is more than just a helmet and some kneepads. We recommend skating in shoes such as Vans or Nike’s SB brand. These shoes are designed for extra padding and have durable soles. Also, wear socks to prevent blisters, and consider using ankle braces for added support.

This may seem like a challenge, but try skating in safer areas where the terrain isn’t uneven. Skate parks offer smooth grounding that reduces the risk of injury. You also have a better chance of learning proper techniques, which can teach you how to stay safe on your board.

Consult with Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari, a respected professional who is dedicated to her patients in Denton, Dallas, and Collins Counties. Dr. Khavari treats a wide breadth of issues, from ingrown toenails to foot and ankle injuries. Call Carrollton Foot Center’s office (located in Carrollton, Texas) at (469)-998-3668 to schedule your first appointment today!

Barefoot Running: The Pleasure and the Pain

With the foot pain many of us experience from running, it’s tempting to turn to the Barefoot Running Movement for answers! However, according to the American Podiatric Medical Association, the benefits of barefoot running have never been confirmed by research. Although the movement touts upsides such as improved circulation, coordination, and strength, you should speak with our experts at Carrollton Foot Center to ensure barefoot running will be safe and effective for you.

Bare Feet Vs. Regular Shoes

According to the Barefoot Running Movement, humans have been running barefoot since ancient times. Shoes, however, are a recent creation that stunts the way you are naturally designed to move. This notion that regular running shoes are unnatural may make sense to you if your feet hurt while running. This may also explain the success of “minimalist” or “five-toed” shoes. In between bare feet and regular running kicks, minimalist shoes act as a compromise to the pros and cons of pure barefoot running.

Benefits of Barefoot Running:

  • Encourages a more natural running This can help reduce impact on your joints, shorten your strides, and increase athletic performance.
  • Promotes landing on the ball of your feet as opposed to “heel striking,” reducing the chance of injury and plantar fasciitis.
  • Strengthens the muscles in your foot that aren’t usually engaged in regular shoes. Progressively, this could correct flat feet and similar arch problems.

Downsides of Barefoot Running:

  • Increases risk of infection and skin injury. This is especially the case for diabetics, who may not have proper feeling in their feet.
  • Takes time getting acclimated to the “natural” running form. Acclimation struggles also extend to not having access to clean or safe terrain.
  • Heightens the chance of stress fractures and Achilles injuries. This is due to lack of foot support.

Ultimately, it is necessary to weigh both sides to see if barefoot running is right for you. Consult with Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari, a well respected expert who is eager to assist her patients in Denton, Dallas, and Collins Counties. She treats a vast array of issues, from ingrown toenails to plantar fasciitis. Call Carrollton Foot Center’s office (located in Carrollton, Texas) at (469)-998-3668 to book your initial consultation today!

Hitting the Pavement Without the Pain: How Runners Can Conquer Heel Pain

Carrolton Foot Center is all in favor of regular running! It’s an incredibly beneficial form of exercise that delivers consistent benefits, boosting both physical and mental well-being. However, there’s no such thing as a free lunch, and running is no exception.

Heel pain and Achilles tendonitis are among the common costs runners must confront, and like any podiatric problem, they create serious stumbling blocks when left untreated. The blog below should help you stay fit, flexible, and focused on your goals.

Preventing Heel Pain with a Strong Foundation

You can keep heel pain from starting with some of these preventative measures.

  • Supportive Shoes: Invest in well-fitting running shoes with proper arch support and cushioning specifically designed for your running style. Replace them every 300-500 miles to maintain optimal shock absorption.
  • Stretch It Out: Regularly performing calf stretches and foot mobilizations helps maintain flexibility and range of motion, reducing stress on the heel.
  • Gradual Progression: Don’t jump into high mileage or intense training too quickly. Gradually increase distance and intensity to allow your body to adapt and strengthen.
  • Cross-Training: Mix up your routine with low-impact activities like swimming or cycling to provide recovery periods for your heels.

Managing Heel Pain: When Prevention Isn’t Enough

Sometimes, you’ll need to handle pain that’s already present, and RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) isn’t always enough.

  • Custom Orthotics: Podiatrists can create custom orthotic inserts that address your specific biomechanical imbalances, providing targeted support and pressure relief to prevent conditions like plantar fasciitis and overpronation.
  • Pain Relief Options: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage discomfort.

Treating Persistent Heel Pain: Advanced Strategies

If pain persists despite conservative measures, your podiatrist may recommend:

  • Leneva® Fat Pad Injections: These injections replenish lost cushioning in the heel pad, promoting pain relief and tissue healing, which is particularly helpful for plantar fasciitis.

Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping patients in Carrollton, TX. With advanced treatment methods, she offers assistance with everything from ingrown toenails to sophisticated surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!

Custom Orthotics Cater to Feet of All Ages

Sometimes, we all need a little extra support to function. And when it comes to your feet, that’s especially true! Tired arches and aching heels don’t usually mend themselves, and leaving problems untreated can lead to further complications. This holds true for both our youngest patients and the senior citizens that we treat at Carrollton Foot Center.

In many cases, conservative interventions can make all the difference. That’s where custom orthotics come in, offering personalized solutions for both children and adults. Take a look at the information below to find out what these sole savers can do for you!

Growing Strong: Orthotics for Developing Feet

  • Children’s feet are constantly growing and evolving, and sometimes, that growth can lead to misalignments like flat feet or high arches.
  • Custom orthotics, crafted to mold perfectly to a child’s unique foot shape, can promote proper development, guiding growing bones into correct alignment while reducing the risk of long-term problems like hip and knee pain.
  • Early intervention with orthotics can address issues like heel pain and ingrown toenails, improving a child’s overall comfort and participation in activities.
  • By providing stability and support, orthotics can improve balance, coordination, and endurance, giving young athletes a boost in their chosen sports.

Stepping Ahead: Orthotics for Adult Feet

  • Whether it’s plantar fasciitis, arthritis, or simply tired feet, orthotics can redistribute pressure and provide cushioning, leading to pain relief and improved mobility.
  • Orthotics can address problems like foot pronation or supination, preventing further damage and improving overall posture and gait.
  • For individuals with diabetes or neurological issues, orthotics can play a crucial role in preventing foot ulcers and promoting wound healing.

Customized for You

  • Unlike the one-size-fits-all approach of over-the-counter inserts, custom orthotics are made specifically for each individual’s foot.
  • The precise fit minimizes pressure points, providing targeted support exactly where it’s needed.
  • High-quality materials ensure your orthotics withstand the demands of daily life.
  • With proper care, custom orthotics can offer years of improved foot health and comfort.

Wondering if orthotics are right for you? Come ask board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari! Committed to helping all her clients in Carrollton, TX, she offers a wide variety of treatments, from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutionsContact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!

How To Find Your Correct Shoe Size

Having your feet measured professionally is a good idea when shopping for shoes. As we age, our feet grow when the tendons and ligaments lose elasticity. The results are that the toes spread out, the arch flattens, and the feet become longer and wider.

Using The Brannock Device

This strange-looking metal device used to measure your feet in shoe stores is called a Brannock Device. It has been in use for almost 100 years!

Charles F. Brannock came from a shoe industry family and wanted an improved means of measuring the length and width of your feet and the height of the arch. The foot-measuring device that we know today as the Brannock device gives accurate measurements of both right and left feet and is the international footwear industry standard.

There are models for men’s shoe sizing, women’s and children’s, and specialized types for athletic shoes and ski boots. Even the Smithsonian Institution recognizes its contribution to the American industry and houses samples of some of the first Brannock devices.

Getting the Right Shoe Fit Is Important

Studies show that only about 37% of people wear shoes of the correct length and width! Are you one of them? Wearing shoes that are too short, too narrow, or too tight can cause some significant foot problems, including:

  • Neuropathy: Pins and needles in the feet and decreased sensation can be caused by tight-fitting shoes that put pressure on the nerves.
  • Hammertoe: Shoes that are too narrow in the toe box can force toes to bend unnaturally into the hammertoe shape. Besides being painful, the skin of the hammertoe can have corns and calluses from footwear pressure against bony spots.
  • Ingrown toenails: Pressure on the toe from poorly fitting shoes can force the edge of a toenail to grow into the skin and become infected.
  • Bunion: Although tight shoes won’t cause a painful bunion, they can worsen it by pushing the big toe.

Foot pain from poorly-fitting shoes can also cause mobility issues and falls. Play it safe – measure both feet at least twice yearly for foot comfort and safety.

Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping her clients in Carrollton, TX. She offers a wide variety of treatments, from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!

Toe Cramps

Dealing With Toe Cramps

Toe cramps may not be a serious condition, but the effects of it can range from mild annoyance to serious pain that makes walking more difficult. If toe cramps are interfering with your daily life, it’s crucial that you talk to your podiatrist for fast and easy relief. They can help get you back on the right path to being pain-free and help diagnose the root cause of the cramping! Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons why you might have toe cramps.

Tight or Weak Muscles

There are dozens of tiny muscles in your feet and toes. If one of them becomes too tight or weak, it can lead to muscle spasms, which create pain. Ankle pain and Achilles tendonitis are also known to leave you with toe and foot cramps. New exercise routines, too-tight shoes, sitting for too long, and not stretching before your workout can all lead to muscle tension and weakness.

Ill-Fitting Shoes

High heels, too-tight shoes, or too-loose shoes can put too much pressure on your toes, making way for pain and eventually cramps. Finding shoes in your right size with a wide, spacious toe box is key to eliminating toe cramps.


Dehydration is known to make your muscles feel tight and tense. This tension can easily lead to cramping if you’re dehydrated for an extended period. Ensure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day.

Muscle Injuries

An unhealed injury to your feet, calves, or toes can cause toe cramping and soreness. Sprains, strains, and other injuries to your ligaments typically create pain and tenderness in your toes.

Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping her clients in Carrollton, TX. She offers a wide variety of treatments from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!


Shoe Shopping Tips for This Fall

November’s here and that means Black Friday and Christmas are approaching. If you’re going through your wardrobe, deciding what to keep, what to toss, and what you need to stock up on, you’re likely looking at your shoes, too. Shopping for new shoes can be nerve-wracking, especially if you find you’re always buying the wrong pairs. This fall, Carrollton Foot Center has your back! Here are our best tips for finding your new shoes this season.

  1. Shoes should always feel comfortable in the store. Don’t bother buying a pair that you intend on “breaking in”. This can not only lead to pain, but damage to your feet and ankles.
  2. Don’t be afraid to walk around the store and test the comfort of the shoes. Are they providing enough arch support? Are your toes squished? Or do your feet feel supported and comfy?
  3. Keep any concerns or conditions in mind! If you have diabetes or a nerve disorder, stick to shoes that provide extra comfort and help ease the pain. Do you work on your feet all day? Arch support is key.
  4. Find a pair you really love? Buy doubles! This will prevent your shoes from breaking down quickly and allow your shoes to air out in between wears.
  5. Always get your feet remeasured. Our feet are constantly growing and changing, especially as we age. This means your size from last year might not be your size right now.
  6. Bring along your favorite socks or custom orthotics! You’ll get the most realistic idea of how your new pair will fit.
  7. Consider shopping later in the day. Our feet swell and get larger as the day goes on. So, choosing a time in the afternoon to shoe shop will give you the best fit!
  8. If you’re in between sizes, choose the larger one. It’s better for your shoes to feel a little big than for your toes to get squished!

Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping her clients in Carrollton, TX. She offers a wide variety of treatments from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!

Run Safely This Fall

The weather is cooling down and many of us are ready to hit the trails or track to enjoy the crisp air during our run. Running is a great way to move our bodies. But accidents do happen, particularly to those who aren’t taking precautions. Injuries are common to runners. For those lacing up their sneakers this month, here are some important things to keep in mind when it comes to safety.

Stretch Effectively

Before partaking in any form of exercise, it’s important to warm up your body and strengthen your muscles and tendons. Take some time out of your routine to stretch your entire body, paying close attention to your legs, ankles, and feet. Not stretching before or after a run is the easiest way to create an injury. For more information on which stretches are best for you, reach out to your podiatrist for some tips and tricks.

Ease Into It

For a lot of people, working out is about pushing your body to its limit and testing your strength. However, it’s important to not push yourself too far. Listen to your body and stop when you feel you need to. Always ease into your run. Start slow and steady and gradually build up your speed. Your feet will thank you.

Be On the Lookout

One of the most common ways to injure yourself is to not be aware of your surroundings and bump into something. This is especially true for those who run outside on trails. Watch out for rocks, twigs, wet leaves, animals, people, or anything else that you might come across on your run.

Support Your Feet

One of the best ways you can prevent an injury is to wear the right kind of footwear. There are plenty of sneakers on the market, making it easy to find the best one for you. The perfect pair will provide support, comfort, flexibility, and breathability. New shoes should also feel great during the first try-on. Never buy sneakers with the intention of “breaking them in,” as this can lead to pain and possible injury.

Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping her clients in Carrollton, TX. She offers a wide variety of treatments from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!

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